One day I went shopping with both of my grandmas. The first time I went with my grandma she took me to Kohl’s. I got a hair curler that is hot pink. I also got Pajamas that are pink with white polkadots and a penguin in the side corner. Then the next day after that I went with my other grandma. I got a pink robe with coral polkadots. I also got Neon emoji slippers. I went to Justice to get that. Then I skimmed the place I was at and I got a long sleeve sweater and a puffy white scarve. I went to Old Navy and got that stuff. I went to Claire's and got two necklaces. One is a mood changer necklace and an Eiffel tower in paris. I also got a white headband with a bow. I got mostly my whole wishlist, and my grandma Nagel is getting me an… Ipod 5th Generation.